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Living a Life of Purpose

Overcome your challenges and live a life of Productivity, Passion, Peace and Profit.

A Playbook: From Boss to Coach

Why do some people succeed where others fail? Learn the secret to finding purpose and living a life of productivity, power, and peace.

The Unproductive Leadership Behaviors Assessment

Ineffective beliefs, assumptions and behaviors affect how your lead your business. By understanding your default approach to leading, you can better see how this behavior connects to your major frustrations and any negative patterns that life in your business.

Marketing Mix - 7P's

Outline and Design educated marketing strategies for your business.

A Playbook: From Boss to Coach

Why do some people succeed where others fail? Learn the secret to finding purpose and living a life of productivity, power, and peace.

The Unproductive Leadership Behaviors Assessment

Ineffective beliefs, assumptions and behaviors affect how your lead your business. By understanding your default approach to leading, you can better see how this behavior connects to your major frustrations and any negative patterns that life in your business.

A Playbook

From Boss to Coach

Why do some people succeed where others fail? Learn the secret to finding purpose and living a life of productivity, power, and peace.

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Building a Strong Bench: Why Leadership Development Matters

The Great Resignation. Quiet quitting. Redefining our relationship to work—and the workplace—followed by the stress of economic uncertainty.  

It’s been a turbulent two years for businesses, as employees quietly slip away from companies, burn out, or find themselves no longer willing to give it their all. 

All of this is why it’s perhaps never been so important to keep your team engaged, learning, and growing. Investing in your people’s development not only builds a motivated workforce but also saves you time, money, and headache in hiring, onboarding, and training. 

The business case for leadership development 

Building leadership skills can give your business an advantage. When you build internal leadership skills, you increase your organization’s capacity to bring your people together, solve problems, and stay inspired to achieve shared goals. With the right people in the right roles, and aligned with your direction, your business will have an edge in getting where you want to go. 

Leadership development also protects your business’s future. This is because the departure of leaders and key employees can be very costly to a business. And despite the tendency of many businesses to look outside their walls for new leaders, research from Harvard Business School reveals the power of succession planning in continuity, morale, and business results. Put simply, building leadership internally and preparing your people to succeed can often put your business on the fast track to better results.  

The connection between purpose and leadership development

So, what’s the secret sauce to building leadership and a strong bench? We believe it’s purpose—and research backs us up. McKinsey data indicates that 70% of people say their purpose is defined by their work—and this percentage skews higher for Millennials and Gen Z, the younger generations in today’s workforce (and, incidentally, the future of talent).

Defining purpose and learning to lead with it is crucial to leadership development for several reasons:  

  • Purpose provides a clear sense of direction. When leaders have a strong sense of purpose, they can inspire and motivate others toward achieving a common goal. 
  • Purpose helps people lead with authenticity. Purpose-driven leaders have connected to their own values and beliefs, which helps them lead with transparency and integrity. This can build more trust and credibility with their teams, contributing to a strong culture (which in turn has benefits like increased retention and productivity). 
  • Purpose strengthens employee engagement. Leading with purpose can help employees understand how their individual contributions are connected to bigger goals. This helps individuals feel valued and connected, the foundation of real and lasting employee engagement. 
  • Purpose increases resilience. Purpose-fueled leaders are more resilient and better able to navigate challenges and setbacks, which are inevitable in business and in life. They are more capable of inspiring their teams to persevere in overcoming difficulties and remaining positive in uncertainty.  

Leadership development built on purpose can also appeal to talented, high-potential employees. After the turmoil of the last few years, today’s workforce is increasingly prioritizing finding meaning and purpose in work. When businesses focus on purpose and prioritize it in leadership development, they can appeal to top talent and align their skills and energy with the business’s values and mission. Helping others lead with purpose amplifies unity, commitment, and collaboration across your organization—and that’s the secret sauce for success. 

Building Purpose Fueled Leaders

It’s one thing for your organization to survive—to have the basic elements in place to get work done, and to ensure you have a workforce in place. It’s another thing entirely for your organization to truly thrive. Businesses that build leadership capacity and strengthen their employees’ ability to lead with purpose are more prepared to attract, inspire, and retain their people—and they will be more ready to meet the challenges of tomorrow. 

Many leaders need help cultivating purpose and building unstoppable teams through leadership development. That’s understandable—because it’s not the focus for many businesses. Effective leadership development for your organization will include: 

  • Evaluation to understand exactly where your organization is and what it needs
  • Equipping leaders with tools and training to build emotional intelligence and leadership skills
  • Executing with coaching, programs and more to help your people realize their full potential—and achieve results for your business 

Every business needs more leaders. We can help. Purpose-Fueled Leader helps create thriving cultures by equipping leadership teams with tools and training that increase employee engagement, effective communication and emotional intelligence. Learn more at

Yannik Mckie

You don't have enough time to turn your team into leaders. We do. Let us help you build a team full of productivity, passion, peace, and profit.


4 Ways to Unlock the Power of Purpose in Your Company

A company’s purpose is more than a statement on a website or a plaque on the wall. It’s a living, breathing entity that informs every decision, from strategic planning to customer service. Purpose nourishes motivation, inspires innovation, and creates a sense of belonging among employees.

Research backs this up. According to EY and the Harvard Business Reviewcompanies with a strong sense of purpose outperform their competitors in revenue growth, job creation, and innovation. Companies with purpose are also better at attracting and retaining employees and customers—upsides that ultimately result in higher productivity and profitability. Another study found that leaders who lead with a clear sense of purpose are more likely to inspire and motivate and are better able to adapt to change and steer their people and companies through challenges. 

 What’s more, over the last three years, the power of purpose has only increased. The pandemic crisis—and its toll on people’s mental health—has underscored the importance of finding and connecting to purpose in so many areas of life, including work. According to McKinsey data, nearly two-thirds of US-based employees have spent time since 2020 reflecting on their purpose in life. Seven out of 10 report that their sense of purpose is defined by their work. How closely it aligns with their employer determines whether they stay in a job—and as millions of quits during the Great Resignation and the months following showed, many people are willing to leave when there is a disconnect. 

 It’s not just employees who crave purpose; it’s also consumers. Purpose-driven marketing is on the rise, and customers are embracing it with their attention and their dollars. Consumers are voicing their preferences, from sustainable products and packaging to socially conscious brands and company values. Data from the 2021 Edelman Trust Barometer shows that nearly 70% of consumers believe they have the leverage to force corporations to change, and over 85% expect CEOs to take a stance and speak out on social issues. 

 Put simply, purpose matters—today more than ever. But it’s still an afterthought for many businesses and their leaders. How can your business unlock the power of purpose? Here are four ways to get started. 

1.     Put purpose at the core of strategy. The first step is to make purpose the foundation of your strategy. Purpose should ultimately be a guiding light for your company, giving shape and direction to your long-term goals, your brand, and your company culture. It’s essential to define your company purpose clearly and use it to inform every decision you make. Many leaders need to start, though, by understanding what the day-to-day organization looks like. Getting an accurate understanding of your team’s effectiveness and levels of current employee engagement can help you understand where the gaps are and how to close them. When you do, everyone will understand your business’s purpose and rally around it so that it becomes a source of shared strength. 

2.     Embed purpose into your culture. Simply defining purpose is not enough; your company needs processes and systems that reinforce that purpose and recognize employees who demonstrate and live it. Employees should feel that they are contributing to something meaningful and that their work has a higher purpose than company profits. In addition, your company purpose should be baked into your hiring practices, training programs, and how you measure success. 

3.     Create accountability around purpose. This brings us to the next step: leaders and managers must champion purpose and create on-staff accountability to celebrate examples of purpose-driven performance (and the wins it creates). It’s almost impossible to engineer this internally, so companies that are serious about embedding purpose and creating accountability should look to leadership development experts who can help to guide effective programs and coaching to develop and strengthen purpose—and bring employees together around it.

4.     Communicate purpose clearly and consistently. To truly unlock the power of purpose, your company needs to communicate it clearly and consistently, across channels. The first part is sharing purpose with everyone who cares about your company, from your employees and customers to partners and investors. The next step is putting your purpose at the center of your brand and using it as a lens to communicate your story, values, successes, and social proof clearly, consistently, and authentically across your website, customer service, social media channels, and more. When you do, your company will stand out, no matter how crowded your market is. 

Your purpose is not going to show up and knock on your company’s door. It’s something that you have to find, and when you do, it will help your company win—the right way. 

Ready to find your company purpose—and unlock its power? We can help. Purpose-Fueled Leader helps create thriving cultures by equipping leadership teams with tools and training that increase employee engagement, effective communication and emotional intelligence. Learn more at

Yannik Mckie

You don't have enough time to turn your team into leaders. We do. Let us help you build a team full of productivity, passion, peace, and profit.

Every Leader Needs More Leaders!

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Development & Retention

EES Survey

Conduct biannual Employee Engagement Surveys to measure satisfaction and make informed improvements to the work environment.

Development & Retention

Employee Exit Survey

Enroll in the NMFT program to equip new leaders with practical tools and strategies for long-term success and employee retention.

Development & Retention

New Managers Fast Track

Enroll in the NMFT program to equip new leaders with practical tools and strategies for long-term success and employee retention.

Development & Retention

360 Reviews

Implement regular 360 reviews to encourage continuous growth through comprehensive feedback from all levels of the organization.

Development & Retention

Leadership Development / Team Building

Invest in structured leadership development and team-building sessions to build essential skills and boost team morale. Leadership dashboard: Utilize our leadership dashboard to gain personalized insights and improve team performance with data-driven decisions.

Recruiting & Onboarding


Culture: Implement DiSC and Enneagram assessments to understand diverse personalities and create a more cohesive and collaborative workplace.

Recruiting & Onboarding

PSIU Application

Character: Apply the PSIU framework to assess whether new hires align with your company's core values and long-term vision.