Team Workshops

Ready to increase employee engagement, transform your team and create a healthier culture?

Leadership Development Workshops

Choose from our popular employee engagement workshops or allow us to design a customized session specifically tailored to meet your team’s unique needs!

Working Genius (Strength-based)

Understand unique strengths and areas for growth in the workplace, leading to improved productivity, collaboration, and job satisfaction.

Organizational Insight

Improve employee engagement, communication, and overall performance.

Personal Growth

Enhance self-awareness and personal development.

Team Dynamics

Understand communication styles and preferences, fostering better teamwork, collaboration, and productivity within organizations.


Identify unique strengths and talents, enabling them to leverage these qualities to achieve personal and professional success.


Understand yourself better and improve communication and relationships with others.

Profitability Through Inclusion

Come together to empower your business with tactical strategies for sustained growth and profitability

Team Dynamics

Understand communication styles and preferences, fostering better teamwork, collaboration, and productivity within organizations.

Purpose Under Pressure (Resilience & Emotional Intelligence)

Team development helps teams find their purpose, increase team capacity, effective communication, cohesion, and purposeful work for all.

Human Performance

Raise self-awareness to leverage strengths, predict weaknesses, and positively impact performance.

Business Strategy Workshops

Choose from our popular employee engagement workshops or allow us to design a customized session specifically tailored to meet your team’s unique needs!

Maximizing Team Efficiency with PSIU Assessments

Discover how PSIU Assessments can enhance role fit, communication, and team performance by effectively identifying and managing the strengths and motivations of your employees and prospective hires.

Mastering Strategic Communication: Aligning Leadership with Company Core Values

This workshop empowers CEOs and their leadership teams to effectively capture and communicate the essence of nine fundamental questions, fostering world-class strategic alignment and engagement throughout their entire organization.

Harnessing the Entropy for Operational Excellence

This workshop introduces the Entropy Survey, a cutting-edge diagnostic tool that helps cross-functional teams pinpoint and systematically address the root causes of organizational friction, enabling continuous measurement and improvement of operational efficiency.

Setting Strategic Business Outcomes with Targets & KPIs

Learn how to define and use Targets & KPIs to establish clear 1-year, 2-year, and 3-year business outcomes that drive organizational direction, goals, and focus.

Optimizing Strategic Alignment

Identify unique strengths and talents, enabling them to leverage these qualities to achieve personal and professional success.


Discover how to effectively align your team’s top-level strategic objectives using lifecycle theory, ensuring your company sets the right three-year priorities and annual goals while avoiding common strategic execution pitfalls.

Crafting a Unified Vision: The Strategic Execution 1-Page Plan

Learn to distill your organization’s key objectives and strategies into a succinct, easily understood 1-Page Plan that aligns and engages your entire team.

Mastering Strategic Alignment: The Company Core Module Workshop

This workshop empowers CEOs and their Leadership Teams to capture and utilize the answers to 9 essential questions, facilitating world-class strategic communications and alignment across their entire organization.

Top challenges leaders face when developing


A study by DDI found that 89% of leaders have at least one blind spot that they are unaware of. As a leader, being able to recognize your strengths and weaknesses, and understand how your actions impact others, to make better decisions is one of the most important traits you should possess.


According to a study by Harvard Business Review, 58% of employees say they trust strangers more than their own boss. When leaders fail to build relationships, it can result in poor communication, low morale, and decreased productivity.

Managing Change

According to research, 70% of all change initiatives fail, and one of the primary reasons cited is poor leadership. Leadership is a critical aspect of managing change in organizations. When leaders fail to manage change effectively, it can have a significant impact on the success of the change initiative.

Every Leader Needs More Leaders! â„¢

Contact our qualified team to discuss assessment opportunities.
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Development & Retention

EES Survey

Conduct biannual Employee Engagement Surveys to measure satisfaction and make informed improvements to the work environment.

Development & Retention

Employee Exit Survey

Enroll in the NMFT program to equip new leaders with practical tools and strategies for long-term success and employee retention.

Development & Retention

New Managers Fast Track

Enroll in the NMFT program to equip new leaders with practical tools and strategies for long-term success and employee retention.

Development & Retention

360 Reviews

Implement regular 360 reviews to encourage continuous growth through comprehensive feedback from all levels of the organization.

Development & Retention

Leadership Development / Team Building

Invest in structured leadership development and team-building sessions to build essential skills and boost team morale. Leadership dashboard: Utilize our leadership dashboard to gain personalized insights and improve team performance with data-driven decisions.

Recruiting & Onboarding


Culture: Implement DiSC and Enneagram assessments to understand diverse personalities and create a more cohesive and collaborative workplace.

Recruiting & Onboarding

PSIU Application

Character: Apply the PSIU framework to assess whether new hires align with your company's core values and long-term vision.